On the evening of Monday, April 17th, the YouCAN Corvallis team presented our Climate Recovery Ordinance to the City Council.   The presentation was met with great support from fellow citizens, including a testimony from a local high school student, who presented letters of support from a number of school clubs.

The Gazette-Times described the presentation in an article about the Council Meeting:

“Meanwhile, seven residents testified — and dozens more stood up to support them — on a proposed climate recovery ordinance. Advocates are hoping to add to the work that has been done by the city’s climate action task force.

“The advocates are asking the city to approve an ordinance that would create a sustainability commission, update the city’s greenhouse gas reduction targets to reflect current science, make the targets legally binding and enforceable and add equity principles.

“Advocates urged councilors to refer the ordinance to a work session that would ultimately lead to a council vote. Because the meeting had not concluded by the Gazette-Times’ presstime, it was not clear if councilors took any action on the request.”

The full article can be found here:  http://www.gazettetimes.com/news/local/brooklane-heights-grading-plan-goes-before-council/article_97f45330-9300-55ef-91f3-cfa93b41f37b.html

Categories: In the News


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